Summer 18 - Journal #3

In today's society, most of us are "plugged in". We don't leave home without our cell phones; we check our Facebook or Twitter or Instagrams a few times a day. We communicate using SnapChat. Social media is real, it's integrated and it influences our lives. We can even go as far to say that Social Media isn't just a means of communication, but a new form of entertainment in and of itself.

Most social media users visit their chosen form of social media while watching television. People Tweet their reactions to things as they're happening or shortly thereafter. People also search for TV shows, films, actors/actresses as they're watching. If someone looks familiar, you might want to figure out why and because information is so readily available, you can.

That being said, because we use social media in this way, the influence we have on others spirals out. Many people see movies or watch shows based on something they've read online. It might be a friend's tweet or a celebrities post. It could be an article that has been shared and shared and shared again. Perhaps it is a funny meme that is circulating. It could also be that all of your friends are talking about a certain film and you cannot join the conversation unless you also see the film.

Film studios also realize this. So, we also see ads or games based on their films. We look at them on a regular basis and they do pique our interest. Now, though, we have the added layer of celebrities going live to show us what they're up to or posting instagram pictures of props from their films. The saturation has a direct impact on what we're seeing.
